|  |  | Liz and I met when we were five years old in kindergarten. I don't remember a moment in my life where Liz wasn't a part of it. If she wasn't next to me, she was hearing about it shortly. She has been a voice of honesty, her many laughs are some of my favorite, she's a beautiful woman of humility and patience and incredible faith. She is kind and loyal. We owe our friendship to Mrs. Martin who saw a shy girl and a loud-mouth girl and thought they could balance each other out...so she sat them beside each other. And she wasn't wrong. Twenty-two years later and she is still my balance. My wedding day wouldn't be complete without her next to me. Thanks for being my person, Libby Mae. |
 |  | Kyra and I met working at Beginnings, Inc. where my first interaction with her was...unique. She had burnt her pasty-self at the beach the week before and she asked me to walk to the local Dollar General to get her medicine. "Who is this girl?" I thought. We quickly learned that we had the same sense of humor and our conversations could turn from serious to deep in the same breath, with a trust that isn't common. Kyra's stepped into my life when I thought all the genunie friendships that last for years had already been taken. She's passionate and smart, she's selfless and genuine. She's honest and she keeps me grounded when I don't even realize I need it. She's strong and beautiful and I love her dearly.
Also she loves history and is the only person who could talk me into Civil War era clothing. |
 |  | Brian and I were roommates at Mississippi State University. We lived together for 2 years. We've spent many hours going on late night ice cream runs and playing video games. Brian's favorite superhero is Batman. Brian believes that he is the true batman. I cannot say that I've ever seen Batman and Brian in the same place at the same time. |
 |  | I met Mu once I started attending Faith Presbyterian Church. He thought my name was Chester for the first few months. It wasn't until he started attending bible studies at my house, that he learned my name is not Chester. Mu's goal is to be the most fit groomsmen. Good luck Mu! |
 |  | I was introduced to AP through my friends at Faith Presbyterian Church. He's a pretty swell guy. He enjoys most things athletic, the video games, and a good funny movie. Something you should know about AP, his sock game is unmatched. The man has socks for occasions that you didn't even know were occasions. |
 |  | Tim and I also met at Faith Presbyterian Church. We quickly bonded of smack talk that came with video games. Fun fact about Tim, he knows most Chinese history and all things Star Wars. The man, the legend, the one who can eat his weight in sushi...Tim! |
 |  | Brayden is a nephew of the bride and Ella B (also known as the Queen) is a niece of the bride. Brayden loves playing imaginary games and making his own sandwiches. He's also the most hilarous and clever little boy on planet earth. EllaB's favorite food is pizzapizza, chickenfriesandmilk, or noduts (doughnuts) and her favorite thing is complimenting people.