| After 18 years of being a single mother, I started actively dating in the fall of 2018. As I was striking out over and over again on the dating scene; mostly because I was way to picky and refused to settle for anything less than exactly what I was seeking, and as my friends were continuously nagging me to join an on-line dating site...I finally gave in and joined a dating site in the beginning of June 2019! By the beginning of July 2019, I was over it! I went on a few dates and was getting very discouraged. In a little over 2 weeks, I had over 200 messages in my inbox and I felt myself feeling anxious every time I went onto the dating site. So, I hated to even look at the messages! How could I possibly find the love of my life through all these messages! Aughhhhhh! Although I was frustrated and anxious...I never stopped praying and always surrendered my petitions to our Lord. I kept my faith that our Lord would provide me with a man of quality and with the values for which I was seeking. Then I came across a photo of a man who had sent ME a message. Little did I know, how replying to this one man would ultimately change my life! Before i even read his message, I reviewed his profile. I wanted to see if we even had anything in common, before I replied to him. I was amazed by how many common interests we shared! So, I replied to his message and we immediately hit it off! We soon exchanged phone numbers and set our first date. We were to meet on Friday July 5th at The Rio in Greeley @ 5pm. But as I had been striking out, I also arranged to meet my girls, Bella & Kim at 6pm...Juuuuuust in case i needed an out! hahaha! July 5th came and as I walked to The Rio, I remembered being excited to see my friends within an hour. I wasn't getting my hopes up for anything else, as I hadn't had much luck in the love department. While walking towards the front door of the restaurant, I noticed a tall handsome man waiting outside. I approached him and asked if he was Oscar, I then introduced myself with a hug. I remember instantly hitting it off with him! I was suprised how quickly time seemed to pass, as my friends joined us at our booth a short hour later. In typical fashion, my friends were loud, straight forward, and asked a lot of questions. Some weaker/saner man would have ran away...FAST! Not my baby! That's when I knew I wanted to explore this possibility even further and told Bella & Kim I'd like to spend more time with Oscar...alone! So Oscar and I continued our evening with a night out, at the Greeley Independence Stampede, that included watered down drinks and a Lone Star concert...in the pouring rain! We both had a great time and really enjoyed each other's company! The next day, I had concert tickets to another concert and I was supposed to go with my friend, Bella. But she was not able to go with me. Bella suggested I invite Oscar to the concert. I was hesistant to invite Oscar. I remember thinking, I could really fall for this guy, as we have so many common interests, upbringings, and personalities. I was scared. I had spent many years protecting myself from any unneeded hurt/pain that comes with falling in love. I thought I was quite content in just keeping my walls up and keeping a distance from any feelings....ever! So, I pondered and prayed. I decided to invite Oscar to the concert...He accepted! I just kept telling myself, "It's only a date and he probably isn't the one, anyway!" We met up and drove to the concert together. Before the concert, we walked around the carnival, listened to some live spanish music, and visited with friends and family, of mine; because we were in Greeley and I just happen to know EVERYONE in Greeley! Hahaha We had another great night! Oscar even met my daughter, who happened to be there hanging out with a group of her work friends! As we were talking and saying our good-byes for the evening, I remember telling Oscar; If I am ever "with" a man...it's because I WANT to be with him and NOT because I NEED to be with him. I told Oscar I am a very proud woman and I take great pride in my work, home, vehicle, family, my life in general. I told him I have accomplished a lot in my life...ON MY OWN and I am not seeking anyone to take care of me. Rather, I am seeking a man to be my equal. Someone with whom WE could build a life together. Oscar said he was relieved to hear that, because everyone he has ever dated always wanted something from him! The next day, Sunday, I had a scheduled visit with my son, D'yon. We invited Oscar to Estes Park with us for the day. We had another great day date! Ocsar and I met again, after I dropped D'yon off in Evans and we have literally been inseparable ever since! My baby and I took a road trip to California in August of 2019, which further cemented our future together. We both knew almost instantly we were exactly what each of us had been seeking for such a long long time; and why our marriages or relationships with others never worked out. It's because, we believe, we all have soulmates on this journey of life and if we settle for other people along the way; we miss out on whom we are truly destined to travel with...on our journey. After my marriage and after Oscar's 2nd marriage, we both refused to settle for anyone other than whom we were each looking for, in our journey of life...even if it meant we would be alone for the remainder of our lives. People who know me, know that I have a lot of faith and that I have been praying for God to send me my "intended" man. I thought I knew exactly what I was looking for in a man, but in reality...I didnt have a clue! As I always do, I surrendered and I gave my petition to our Lord and in return...He blessed me with so much more that I could have ever thought or prayed for...in my man! Neither of us are, by any means, perfect. (Although my baby likes to think that he is! hahaha!) We've both had a past of hurt, pain, shame, and all the other misconstrued feelings and bruises that came on our journey of life. But WE are PERFECT for/with each other, exactly where we are on our journey. We believe we had to live through all of our experiences that ultimately lead us to one another, as we were preparing ourselves for one another. Because without our exeperiences...we couldn't or wouldn't be able to appreciate or comprehend the love & blessings we have found in one another! We are extremely humbled and we thank God everyday for the blessing He has bestowed upon the two of us, with each other! Our relationship is something we take very seriously! Our relationship is something DO NOT take for granted! Our relationship is something we place FIRST and above ANYTHING/EVERYTHING/ANYONE else...aside from our Lord! We recognize we have been truly blessed and we are thankful to be able to share our committment and love with those closest to us. Thank you for your love, prayers, and continued support! |