| If I had to choose one word..... EPIC!! I was totally surprised! Jordan proposed to me on Feburary 23rd during the Babylon parade Mardi Gras 2017. It was a beautiful sunny day and perfect temperature. It was a great day from start to finish. We ate at Rocky's which is one of our favorite resturants and he pampered me by sending my mom and me to get our nails done (this gesture almost gave the surprise away but my mom covered for him). Once at the parade route, we were surrounded by our friends and family. I thought nothing of this beacuse Mardi Gras is a very social event. Everyone attends! Towards the middle of the parade Jordan looks at me and says "Hey babe... what does that signs say on the float there?" and I was like "What sign?" lol He had a family friend hold a giagantic banner off the side of a float that said.... "Will you MARRY me? I love you...Jordan!" After reading the banner, I turned around and there he was on one knee and holding my gorgeous engagment ring <3 |